Drip, Drip, Drip...

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RFK Jr. Kept a Secret Sex Diary

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grappled with what he called his biggest defect — “my lust demons” — while keeping a scorecard of more than two dozen conquests, according to his secret diary.

The thick, red journal was found in their home by his wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who, distraught over their impending divorce and Kennedy’s serial philandering, committed suicide last year.”

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Physician governor urges Capitol Hill to block RFK Jr.’s confirmation: ‘Our children’s lives depend on it’

Green, who worked as a physician before entering politics, has continued practicing emergency room medicine throughout his legislative career. In 2019, as Hawaii’s lieutenant governor, Green helped spearhead efforts to increase vaccination rates in Samoa amid a measles outbreak in the region. Green arrived in the nation’s capital on Sunday evening to begin his meetings that will go until he returns to Hawaii on Thursday.

“As the only physician governor, I need to explain what are good picks and what maybe aren’t so good picks for the cabinet,” Green said in a video ahead of his planned trip to Washington, noting that his lobbying against Kennedy is not anything personal or politically motivated. “[RFK Jr’s] appointment to be the head of Health and Human Services is not consistent with safety for our children,” he said.

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A First-Hand Account of Kennedy’s Activism Damage

As we look to the future, the possibility of his being confirmed as the secretary of health and human services is cause for grave concern. I worry he would jeopardize half a century of progress and success gained by the United States as a result of vaccination programs. Too much depends on our commitment to truth and the lifesaving power of vaccines to entrust Mr. Kennedy with the direction of these programs. Our children’s lives depend on it.

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I Know Personally Exactly What Kind of Bully RFK Jr Is. Now America Will Too.

The most dangerous thing Donald Trump is poised to do in his second administration—unless he barges into a nuclear war, which there is a nonzero chance of him doing—is elevate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a messianic, conspiracy-theorist, anti-vaccine menace to society. If Kennedy stands for confirmation as secretary of Health and Human Services, as Trump has announced, we should all march on the Capitol with tetanus-tipped pitchforks (metaphorically, of course) to protect global health and prevent us from going back a hundred years in health time.

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